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Monday, May 10, 2010

We Like Sports...

Alright here it goes... I literally want to slice and dice guys that are like these dudes in the video. We all know guys like this right? You know that dude that has a body like a frog that just stood up. They have spaghetti arms, chicken legs and a pot pie gut. They ALWAYS wear a T-shirt when they go swimming and think they are super smart. Oh wait, I am just describing my ex-Fiance. He was a total douche like the guys in this video and thats why I think this video is so ridiculous.

Honestly guys, if you ever want to get laid in life please don't let girls know that they are "not smart enough" to understand sports. Maybe us women have better things on our minds like how to manipulate you and thats why we don't have useless crap on the mind like the rules of football.