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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I dont care if your pun was on purpose...

I want to slap my own face when people point out their own puns. Why do they feel the need to explain themselves?
This is the point: When you point out your puns you are basically saying that the person your talking to is down syndrome and that they don't understand the basic English language. Lets paraphrase this "pun intended" AKA:

" Hey the retard Im talking to, did you just understand and recognize that play on words that I just made? In fact, I thought I was so clever that no one else would understand my level of brilliance. I not only wanted to make sure you know I am smart enough to use homonyms, but that your an idiot that didnt get it."

There is also the passive narcissist that still wants to point out their a douche and think that they are way smarter then you by saying "no pun intended". Lets paraphrase this "no pun intended" AKA:

" Please tell me that my pun was amazing. I obviously think that I am a genius and thats why I had to point out that I am so smart that I accidentily used a pun. I would never want you to think that I am such a douche that I point out my own puns and therefore I would like to denounce my pun by pointing out that I didnt intend on using one by pointing out that I did."


  1. Would this still be the same if someone said "Bazinga!" at the end of a pun instead of "pun intended."?

  2. I think anytime you point out your play on words you are saying that the other person is a retard.

  3. That's not always the case. Perhaps maybe 80% of the time you're saying the other person is a retard. *cough*my roommate*cough* But the other 20% is like saying "for once I came up with something clever instead of sounding like a retard myself! yay! go me!" Basically you're insulting yourself in that respect or giving yourself a pat on the back for this rare occurrence. Now, if said person was doing this "pun intended" stuff on a regular basis, then yes, I'd agree with you that he is indeed being a douche.
